About Me

Hi, I’m Stacy, a breastfeeding mother of a baby with histamine intolerance. That means I get to eat low histamine too!

This blog is full of recipes and resources that have helped Rosie and I adjust to a low histamine lifestyle.

Join us on our journey to find, make, and share delicious low-histamine and allergen friendly foods! We hope you find something you like to eat 🙂

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More About Me:

I’m married to my best friend, a mom to three kids, I homeschool, I love to cook & bake, craft, read, and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

I have a 7 yr old boy, “L”, and 2 girls. The girls are 5 yr old “C”, and almost 2 year old Rosie.

Why I started this blog:

Throughout this elimination diet experience, I’ve had one big wish. My wish was to find another mom who’s going through what I’m going through, and to have her support, her knowledge and tips, and her understanding.

So I want to be that mom for YOU! You and your baby are why I am writing this blog. I love you already and have so much empathy for what you are experiencing and I hope to help in any way I can. 

Note about recipes I share:

I want to be really clear about myself and the recipes I post here:

I am just your average American stay-at-home mom of 3 littles with all that comes with it.

I try to be as exact as I can with the low histamine diet and eating healthy, but I also know my own limits. I try to eat a variety of fresh “whole” foods. However I also eat sugar, boxed-cereal, canned veggies (only occasionally because canned food is typically higher in histamine), lots of grain carbs, and marshmallows.

I go out to eat occasionally. I love pizza and french fries. And since starting this elimination diet, I really love low histamine desserts, because it’s something indulgent I can actually eat at a time when I have to restrict so many other foods.   

This is what I do NOT claim to do:

  • Use strictly organic foods
  • Use only whole foods 
  • Do only “clean” eating
  • No sugar recipes
  • No processed foods
  • Only Non-GMO

So now that you know me a little better and know what to expect here, welcome! I’m so glad you found my website! 🙂

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