UPDATED Food list on 9/18/21

You’ve just discovered your baby has histamine intolerance, so now what?

If you’re like me, this came after a long road of hardly any sleep, way too many hours of baby crying, multiple tries at eliminating foods with some (but not much) success, and you are completely overwhelmed and exhausted.

Your world may be crashing down around you, so have a good hard cry! I’ll help you with this transition as much as I can.

Step 1: Breathe

(virtual hug from me) You do not have to cannon-ball into the deep end. It will take time to resolve this issue, and that is OK. You can make it! Just take the first small step *which probably feels like a giant leap*. It is normal to feel all sorts of negative emotions on this journey. Acknowledging them will make it SO much easier to keep moving forward, one step at a time. 

Step 2: Probiotics

Order some probiotics for you and baby. If you’re already on probiotics, make sure they do not contain histamine producing strains (yes, unfortunately that’s a thing!). Check out this post for what probiotics to look for. Probiotics are a good place to start because they are fairly easy (if you remember to take them) and they will help to heal your gut & your baby’s gut.

Step 3: Pick a histamine food list 

Pick a list and stick with it! If you check & use every list out there you are going to end up with a very small amount of foods left to eat. And it’s confusing.

 My recipes are all based on the Swiss Histamine List (SIGHI). More on that in this post. For your convenience, I’ve compiled “safe” low histamine food lists of 0 & 1 level foods based on the SIGHI list. There’s a list for the common foods & irregular foods. Take that list shopping with you!

Get your FREE updated download here:

Food List Preview

P.S. You will want to cross off foods that you or your baby have sensitivities to (for example: Rosie can’t do oats, sweet potato, any dairy, or gluten, some of which are low histamine).

P.S.S. UPDATE- after re-checking the SIGHI list I discovered that chicken egg whites and whole chicken eggs are rated a histamine level 2, not a 1. I also missed listing cream as a histamine level 0. I will be updating my recipes as well.

Check out Part 2 on how to get started with your low histamine elimination diet-easy resources!

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