delicious & easy roasted veggies

If your air fryer has to preheat, set it to 400°F and start it now.
Wash your veggies. Then slice & chop them into small pieces.
Add all the veggies to your air fryer basket. Then drizzle with oil & desired spices. Toss with tongs.
Air fry at 400°F for 10 min, pausing every 3-4 minutes to stir the veggies around so they brown evenly.
When they are tender and lightly browned, serve plain or over rice or tacos.
I got an air fryer on black friday about a year ago. I got the Ninja Air Foodi with 2 baskets. It is my FAVORITE appliance. I use it every day. I love how veggies taste when I air fry them, I love how easy & fast it is, and I eat a lot more veggies than I used to (which is saying a lot, because I already ate a lot of veggies 😁). The air fryer is also super handy for reheating frozen cooked meat, or even frozen raw sliced meat.
I think because it's slightly easier & more convenient, it increases my odds of actually making a meal. There are some days when I don't want to use much energy or time to cook, and these are the moments my air fryer saves me. All I have to do is chop up a few veggies and toss them in one basket, and then toss some frozen meat in the other basket, and 10-15 min later, voilà! There's a tasty & nutritious meal!
Anyway, if you have one, try making these veggies. They taste delicious on tacos (kind of like a fajita style taco) or with rice & turkey meatballs. Or just plain! I'll be sharing more air fryer recipes in the future, so check back again!
P.S. This recipe can be adapted for a regular oven, but cook time will probably increase by about 10 min. Another option is to sauté these veggies.
If your air fryer has to preheat, set it to 400°F and start it now.
Wash your veggies. Then slice & chop them into small pieces.
Add all the veggies to your air fryer basket. Then drizzle with oil & desired spices. Toss with tongs.
Air fry at 400°F for 10 min, pausing every 3-4 minutes to stir the veggies around so they brown evenly.
When they are tender and lightly browned, serve plain or over rice or tacos.
Oh I can’t wait to have this for dinner tonight! Thank you for the recipe!
I didn’t shred the carrots (too much work—haha), and I added fresh garlic because I see the new garlic powder I bought is a bit sketchy on ingredients (it shouldn’t “maybe” contain mustard, this that & everything else). Parsley. Salt to taste. Yum.